First-time buyers’ 30 pc discount set to kick start building

Property Loans News:- Young people priced out of buying in their hometown, key workers and veterans could get up to a third off the price of their first home, said housing secretary, Robert Jenrick, today. House builders support the move and believe it’s an improvement on the ineffective starter home initiative launched by the former prime minister, David Cameron, and his chancellor, George Osborne. Home Builders Federation communications director, Steve Turner, said: “It will help another part of the market [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:01:18+00:00February 7, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Battersea estates in South London set to get new homes in major makeover

Bridging Loans London News:- Ambitious plans to build 2,550 new homes and transform two 1960s and 1970s housing estates, opposite Clapham Junction station, have been approved by Wandsworth council. The £1.4bn joint venture between the council and Taylor Wimpey includes a 2.49-hectare public park, leisure and community centre, library, children’s centre and nursery. Wandsworth council leader, Cllr Ravi Govindia, said the detailed plans included the views of residents and the local community through extensive consultation of 7,000 households. “The [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:01:34+00:00February 3, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Turning ugly neighbourhoods into beautiful ones

Property Development News:- Ending the scandal of left-behind places and derelict buildings with a cut in VAT for renovations and repairs has won the vote of smaller builders. The government-commissioned report, Living with Beauty, calls on settlements to be renewed regenerated and cared for as well as every new home to have access to a fruit tree. The Federation of Master Builders, FMB, has campaigned for VAT on restoring existing buildings to be cut to zero. FMB chief executive, [...]

By |2024-10-21T14:01:45+00:00January 30, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

New housing supply falters while demand for new home grows

Housing Loan News:- Housing demand is up 26 per cent over the first few weeks of 2020 compared to the same period over the last two years claims, online property agent Zoopla. Zoopla predicts Nottingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow as the cities with the strongest prospects for 2020, indicating they will be at the top end of a narrow range of price growth for 2020. It’s house price track of 20 UK cities saw prices in December 2019 reached a [...]

By |2022-03-15T06:26:06+00:00January 29, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Edinburgh set to invest £2.5bn in modernising and building new homes

Edinburgh city council has earmarked £2.5bn for housing and plans to build 20,000 new homes by 2028. The money will go towards modernising existing homes with 10,000 of the new properties to be affordable. Housing, homelessness and fair work convener, Cllr Kate Campbell, described the investment as one of the ‘most ambitious’ for any local authority in the UK. "We need to address the huge housing pressures facing our city and we’re doing this with one of the biggest [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:01:53+00:00January 27, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

3-D printing of homes in the UK still under wraps

Development Finance News:- The UK is lagging behind other countries when it comes to harnessing 3-D printing to build new homes, a leading academic has said. Civil engineering and environmental materials associate professor at Brunel London University, Dr Seyed Ghaffar, is working with housing associations and CyBe Construction to produce a prototype. But said it was a challenge convincing investors to take the plunge and back his project. “They are split on this. Some of them are very encouraging [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:01:59+00:00January 22, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Large housebuilders show lack lustre design performance

Bridging Finance News:- Poorly designed houses are getting through on appeal and are undermining the government’s planning policy, according to the findings of a national design audit. UCL Bartlett School of Planning’s study of 142 different sites in England, built by volume housebuilders, found three quarters were of poor or mediocre design with only a quarter rated good or very good. Our Bridging Finance range covers auction purchases, to private sales and all levels of refurbishment works. Bridging finance is [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:02:05+00:00January 21, 2020|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

The mayor digs his heels in over relaxing the capital’s green belt

Property Loans News:- London’s mayor Sadiq Khan has refused to back plans to review the green belt to allow more homes to be built in the city. Instead he’s calling for extension of the green belt and has publicly declared he won’t support de-designation of land. His position conflicts with the inspector’s recommendations of the draft London plan which proposes a revision of the green belt. In his December letter to the planning inspectorate, Mr Khan stresses the importance [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:02:20+00:00December 19, 2019|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Scottish home builders push for longer term funding security

Construction Loans News:- Housebuilders north of the border are urging the government to extend help-to-buy to 2023 in line with England. The scheme finishes in Scotland at the end of March 2021, shortly before Scottish parliament elections in May, which Homes for Scotland, HfS, argues is too soon. The home builders’ trade body fears without clarity over future funding there’s a risk the larger homebuilders will prioritise markets south of the border. HfS policy director, Fiona Kell, said: “We [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:02:26+00:00December 18, 2019|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

New life breathed into ambitious development project for West London

Plans to build up to 25,000 homes as part of a wider regeneration scheme for Old Oak and Park Royal in West London have been revived. The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation, OPDC, has submitted new proposals to build the homes, and create 65,000 new jobs, over the next 30 years across a 650-hectare area. A four-fold increase in land values meant earlier plans to build on 54 acres at Old Oak North, where second-hand motor dealer [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:02:32+00:00December 13, 2019|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

New building site visitor card to be rolled out

Development Finance News:- A new building site visitor card could pave the way for a suite of competence smart cards to help raise standards in the industry. The Home Builders Federation members have trialled the new card which was launched this week. It’s aimed at people offering support services such as catering, site cleaning, sales or human resources. Applicants need to have passed the Construction Industry Training Board health and safety and environment test. HBF external affairs director, John Slaughter, [...]

By |2021-11-13T11:02:39+00:00December 12, 2019|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Smaller developers key to boosting quality housing delivery in Scotland

House Loan News:-Scotland’s smaller builders need to be cultivated to help the country tackle its backlog demand for new homes, claims Homes for Scotland in a report released this week. The trade body said although 2018 was the best year in a decade for housing, small builders’ contribution to the 20,000 plus homes built had fallen by 40 per cent. They accounted for just 2,500 of the new homes, before the 2008 recession they were building an average of 4,000 [...]

By |2021-11-13T10:55:59+00:00November 27, 2019|Blog, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments