Prefabs boosted by moves towards common warranty standards

Warranty providers have agreed to work towards a shared standard for assessing homes built using modern methods of construction, MMC. A memorandum of understanding has been signed by warranty providers for a minimum standard for assessing homes. MMC working group chair Mark Farmer has described the announcement as a ´milestone´ for the sector and would make lenders more confident about these new housebuilding techniques. The memorandum has been signed by the National House Building Council (NHBC), insurers BLP LABC Warranty, [...]

West London’s cavalry barracks to be developed into 1000 new homes

Hounslow’s cavalry barracks have been bought by a major brownfield developer who hopes to gain permission to build 1000 new homes on the 37-acre site. Inland Homes plc’s asset management division has entered into agreements with the ministry of defense, MoD, to build on the site which has a gross development value of £600m. Chief executive Stephen Wicks said: “It is a testament to our long and successful track record in brownfield development that our investors have the confidence to [...]

York’s multi-million regeneration scheme gets £77m boost

One of England’s largest brownfield regeneration projects York Central has gained government funding for a connecting bridge and access road moving the project a step closer to realization. Up to 3,705 homes and up to 1.2m sq ft of commercial development space is set to be built on 45 hectares of brownfield land near the city’s National Railway Museum. York City Council leader Cllr Keith Aspden said: “The funding is a vital step to unlocking a £1.16bn boost to our [...]

Neighborhood planning in urban areas to get funding boost

Communities in inner-city and deprived areas are going to get a major cash injection of £18,000 for neighbourhood planning. Housing secretary Robert Jenrick’s announcement follows criticism that government proposals to shake-up the planning system will undermine democracy. The government also announced it is providing neighbourhoods access to free technical expertise for topics such as assessing their area’s housing needs or developing masterplans. Mr Jenrick said: “The government is overhauling the country’s outdated planning system to deliver the high-quality sustainable homes [...]

Smaller builders back moves for a quicker planning system

SME developers are to take centre stage in the drive to build more beautiful new homes, the government has announced. It has said they would be key players in a zonal planning system outlined in a white paper released today where land will be earmarked for development, renewal or protection. According to government figures, the proportion of new housebuilding by smaller builders is 12 per cent compared with 40 per cent 30 years ago. Housing secretary Robert Jenrick described the [...]

Accreditation for new £2bn green retrofits launched

Builders must sign up for a government-backed seal of approval to take part in the new £2bn green home retrofit grants going live at the end of September. It is hoped the initiative will generate 100,000 new jobs as over 600,000 households in England are expected to take up the vouchers, worth up to £5,000, to install insulation, heat pumps, draft proofing. The chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “This is a vital part of our plan for jobs as we secure [...]

Radical planning reforms set to be unveiled

A people-focused planning system where land will be zoned as ripe for development, or renewal, is to be unveiled later this week. Housing secretary Robert Jenrick wrote in yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph his reforms would offer a faster and simpler system to deliver the homes and places the country needs. Mr. Jenrick said the slow planning system was a barrier to building affordable homes and vital infrastructure. “Local building plans were supposed to help councils and their residents deliver more homes [...]

By |2024-07-03T08:39:07+00:00August 3, 2020|Blog, Business, Finance News, News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

John Lewis seeks collaborators to turn stores into homes

One of the UK’s best-known retail brands has told partners it wants to convert empty shop space into mixed-use affordable homes. Housing is one of the four key areas the ailing retailer is exploring in the hope of recovering profits within the next five years. John Lewis chairman Sharon White outlined the chain’s strategic review, where becoming a predominantly online retailer was core. “Shops will always be crucial to the brand but they will be in support of online. Over [...]

Nottingham´s Boots Island set for £650m regeneration

A 40-acre disused site in Nottingham has moved a step closer to becoming one of the biggest city center regeneration schemes in the UK. Developer Conygar has submitted a detailed application for the first phase, named Canal Turn, of The Island Quarter to Nottingham City Council. Architects Jestico + Whiles have designed the new three-story 2,000 sqm pavilion to reflect the city’s industrial and railway heritage. "What we’re producing is something which looks as if it’s a legacy element that’s [...]

By |2024-07-03T08:33:39+00:00July 28, 2020|Blog, Business, Finance News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

These estates are made for walking, urge NHS design guidelines

New residential schemes encouraging people to exercise are at the heart of design guidelines backed by government housing accelerator Homes England.   Building for a Healthy Life covers the priorities for fitter stronger communities through travelling on foot or by bike or public transport and improving air quality by cutting emissions.   Co-author and Design for Homes chief executive David Birkbeck said: “A lot of developments don’t come with useable footways or if they do you get to a major [...]

By |2021-11-13T09:15:42+00:00July 23, 2020|Blog, Business, Finance News, News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Housebuilders call for a better Scottish planning system

Developers north of the border have slammed Scotland’s poor performance over planning decisions for the six months from October last year to March 2020. The latest stats show decision times for applications of more than 50 homes rising to 37.5 weeks – two weeks longer than the previous year and more than double the 16-week statutory timescale. Decision time for smaller applications also increased from 9.1 weeks in the previous year to 9.2 weeks despite an 11.5 percent drop in [...]

By |2021-11-13T09:15:51+00:00July 22, 2020|Blog, Business, Finance News, News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments

Trickier sites set to become more attractive to develop

Developers will be able to build homes on disused commercial and retail sites without going through the full planning process from September. The government announced new legislation to extend permitted development rights for commercial buildings to be knocked down and replaced with homes without submitting a planning application. The new rules would also allow for empty commercial and retail properties to be turned into houses and for homeowners to add two storeys to their properties to create more homes or [...]

By |2021-11-13T09:16:00+00:00July 21, 2020|Blog, Business, Finance News, News, Planning News, Projects|0 Comments