London Stansted Airport Limited deserves the sincerest congratulation for gaining planning for the development of phase 2 of London Stansted Airport. The site for this project is London Stansted Airport, Stansted, Essex, CM24 1QW. The development finance loans will make sure that this privately funded brownfield site project is completed within the deadline and without any hassles.

commercial bridging loan

This project will include a new arrivals hall building for Stansted Airport over 3 levels, and it will also feature plans for a larger immigration and baggage reclaim area and a public forecourt. The project will begin in May 2019, and it will be finished in July 2020. The entire development will cover a floor area and a site area of 34384 square meters and 1.81 Ha respectively. The new structures will be erected as high as 3 storeys. The commercial bridging loan will help the client with maintaining the financial budget for the project.


Commercial Bridging Loan

London Stansted Airport Limited is the primary client, whereas Manchester Airport Group Plc will be the associated developer. Pascall & Watson Architects has been assigned the role of the primary architecture firm for the development process. Manchester Airport Group Plc will join the project as the lead planning consultants. The client will use development finance loans to stabilize the construction process.

Pascall & Watson Architects will offer their consultancy services in the area of sustainability. Steer Davies Gleave and Ramboll Head Office will be the primary transport consultant and flood risk assessment consultant respectively.

The investors and developers of this Project can easily take up the fast and credible infrastructure capitals offered by Hank Zarihs Associates. Hank Zarihs Associates always strives to offer its clients necessary financial support for the success of their real estate construction plans.

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Shiraz Khan is the author of the content. Shiraz is the managing director and founder of Hank Zarihs Associates. With over 16 years' of experience we are master brokers within the short term financing industry. We specialise in a wide variety of short term loans.