Bridging Loan News:- The WOOD WHARF, PRESTONS ROAD – PLOTS E3 & E4 construction is being carried out at Rm03 Wood Wharf, Prestons Road, Poplar, London, E14 9SF. The aim is to construct a 50 storey building that has 470 flats and 787 sq. Metre of retail space. Additionally, parking spaces, associated spaces and open public places are also going to be provided. The detail has been approved and the project is due to start on the first quarter of 2020. The completion time is estimated by the third quarter of 2022, or a total of 32 months.

Bridging Loan by Hank Zarihs Associates

The approximate value stands at £80M. The total floor area is 2531 sq. Metre and there will be one underground storey. There will be 271 one bed, 152 two bed, 35 three bed and 12 five+ bed houses. The funding has been completely private and it is being completely taken care of by HZA.

Kohn Pedersen Fox (International) PA is the main architect along with Allies & Morrison Urban Practitioners. GVA Grimley Limited is the planner and Mr. James McAllister, the senior planner is the main contact. Gleeds UK Head Office is the quantity surveyor and Troup Bywaters & Anders Head Office is the sustainability consultant. The Project manager, the Management contractor and the Groundworks subcontractor all are Canary Wharf Group PLC. Ms. Diane Blackwell is the main contact for both project manager as well as management contractor. Additionally, Ms. Charmaine Waite, Office Manager is also a main contact for management contractor.

The Frame subcontract is being given to the O’Halloran & O’Brien Limited. Here, the main contact is Mr. Kieron Duggan, who is the contracts manager. Therefore, the construction of WOOD WHARF, PRESTONS ROAD – PLOTS E3 & E4 has been well approved and is due to start. The detailed and through help as well as support of Hank Zarihs Associates in the main funding of this construction has been a key factor for this project to be approved so soon.

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Shiraz Khan is the author of the content. Shiraz is the managing director and founder of Hank Zarihs Associates. With over 16 years' of experience we are master brokers within the short term financing industry. We specialise in a wide variety of short term loans.